Acclimating to handling common HVAC service calls can be a daunting task for new technicians just beginning their careers in the field. We all know that training can only take you so far, so what do you do once you’re on your own and accountable for the work that need to be completed?

From dealing with customers to diagnostic support, here’s a list of the top HVAC service call tips that every technician should know as part of their HVAC service calls training.

Be Direct with The Customer

One of the first steps every tech should take in HVAC service calls training is proper customer communication. Beyond just basic customer service, directly communicating throughout the entire service process can help set clear expectations, diagnose issues and prevent confusion or disagreements about the work being performed.

For future HVAC service calls, here are some questions you should consider asking when you first make contact with the customer:

  • What made you think something was wrong with your HVAC system?
  • Is this a new problem or something you’ve experienced before?
  • Has the problem gotten worse over time?
  • Is it a constant problem or something more sporadic?

In addition to these core diagnostic questions, be sure to establish clear guidelines for what to expect when you arrive. Which door should you enter from? Are there pets or any other potential obstacles to be aware of? Any extra considerations you can make towards a smooth, efficient visit makes for better HVAC service calls for all parties involved.

Be Thorough (And Don’t Forget the Basics)

Conducting a preliminary check is one of the HVAC service call tips that can save you a lot of time and frustration. Whenever you arrive, here are some key components you should check:

  • Air Filters – air filters are one of the quickest components to need replacement in HVAC systems.
  • Vents – even the smallest obstruction can cause issues, so don’t be too quick to overlook the ventilation system in place.
  • Electrical – keep in mind that what might seem like a HVAC issue might actually be an electrical problem.
  • Thermostat – double-check to ensure the thermostat or primary control switch is turned to “on” and is set to a temperature that will cause the unit to run.

Whatever the customer has or hasn’t told you about the system, being sure to conduct a thorough initial inspection is one of the best technical service call tips we can give you and your team.

Be Confident in Your Diagnosis

As an HVAC professional, customers expect you to offer solutions to their heating and cooling issues that you are confident will work. So, where does confidence come from while answering HVAC service calls?

Start by taking your time while making an assessment. Rely on your training and education to support what you’re seeing in the field and apply what you’ve learned to make an educated diagnosis.

Again, this is a time to establish clear and direct communication with the customer. Let them know what’s happening, why it’s happening and what you’re going to do to fix it. Don’t overcomplicate it, though. Speak in easy-to-understand terms that leave the customer assured in the work that you’re doing without brining unnecessary confusion into the mix.

Keep Clean and Organized

HVAC service calls actually begin before the call itself. Properly caring for yourself and your equipment is one of the top HVAC service call tips you should be sure to apply before taking on new jobs.

Take measures to prevent any mess that may occur. If you need boot covers, wear them, and be sure to lay down a tarp or other protective covering. You should always work to avoid leaving the work area messier than how you found it, and taking these preventative steps helps make for a happy customer.

You should also be mindful of appearances – this includes your own appearance, as well as your work vehicle and equipment. Arriving clean and presentable is not only an important part of first impressions with the customer, it also maintains a good image for your company and helps encourage repeat customers in the future.

Reach Out for Help If You Need It

When all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance when you need it. Taking the time to be sure that you’re doing the right this is always better than misleading a customer and dealing with the consequences.

In common HVAC service calls, customers will almost always rather you take a little longer to complete the job the right way than leave a problem unresolved or resolved incorrectly. So, for your next batch of HVAC service calls, remember that supervisors and other team members are there to help and should be consulted if you’re unsure of a potential diagnosis or solution.

We hope these HVAC service call tips help prepare you for the most common HVAC service calls that you’ll face on the job. Remember, the little things really do matter, so be sure to follow these and other technical service call tips that you learn along the way to make for better calls in the future.
