While a career in the HVAC industry offers a wide variety of opportunities, including job stability and career progression, there are numerous risks that must be carefully observed to keep you and your crew safe. As you know, this job requires a high level of caution and attention to detail, meaning you’ll need to be prepared to work both safely and efficiently whenever you’re on the job.

No matter how seemingly basic the task at hand may seem, HVAC safety procedures are an absolute must. For all your HVAC safety considerations, here are 5 must-know HVAC safety tips that will help keep you safe on jobsites of all shapes and sizes:

1. HVAC Personal Protective Equipment

HVAC technicians should always have the proper HVAC personal protective equipment on-hand for every job. Some of the staple HVAC PPE recommendations include:

  • Steel-toed work boots – at the very least, you’ll want to ensure you’re wearing slip-resistant work boots to ensure that you’re able to maintain a steady footing when working around slippery conditions or leaks.
  • Thick work gloves – wearing gloves and/or arm protectors will help prevent any serious lacerations to your arms or hands when handling potentially dangerous tools or equipment.
  • Full-coverage clothing – similarly, covering as much skin as possible will help protect yourself against any harmful materials.
  • Hard hat – if you might be working in an area where falling objects are possible, make sure to wear a helmet or a hard hat.
  • Respirator – if our daily duties expose you to contaminants such as dust, debris or fumes from noxious gases, be sure to wear a respirator to avoid breathing in any harmful particles you’ll regularly come across.
  • Safety goggles – make sure you wear either a face shield or safety goggles to keep your eyes safe, especially if the respirator you’re already using doesn’t come with attached eye protection.
  • Earplugs – you should seriously consider investing in a good pair of earplugs to be worn whenever working in a loud environment for extended periods.

For a more detailed look at additional HVAC PPE you may want to consider, reference the OSHA guidelines. Remember, proper HVAC personal protective equipment is the first step in making sure you’re prepared to take on a job both safely and effectively. Make sure you are prepared for working in colder temperatures with HVAC winter gear.

2. Using the Right Tools At the Right Time

Knowing how and when to use the proper tools and equipment is so important to keeping you, and those you around you, safe. Improperly using a tool or opting for the wrong tool at the wrong time can easily lead to property damage, self-injury or worse.

Whenever you’re prepping for a new job, make sure that your tools are in good working condition. Routine maintenance is necessary and is a great way to promote HVAC safety at all times.

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3. HVAC Safety Hazards

A huge part of HVAC safety is being able to assess your surroundings and understand any HVAC safety hazards that may be present. It’s always better to take the extra time to make sure you’re following HVAC safety procedures and doing the job right than to rush and end up with an injury or other damages. HVAC safety hazards include (but are not limited to):

  • Electrical hazards
  • Chemical exposure
  • Inadequate equipment inventory
  • Respiratory hazards
  • Ladder safety
  • Extreme weather

Following HVAC safety guidelines, including attending proper trainings and courses, is a great way to promote HVAC safety while on the job. If you’re looking for more information regarding these and other potential HVAC safety hazards, you can find OSHA’s library of safety and health topics here.

4. Quicker Doesn’t Always Mean Better

While proper HVAC PPE and HVAC safety guidelines are great to avoid common accidents and injuries, it will all be for naught if you don’t take the time to properly adhere to those HVAC safety procedures.

As an HVAC technician working with electricity, chemicals, and sometimes extreme temperatures, exercising HVAC safety almost always means taking your time. No matter the length or complexity of the task at hand, your priority should be performing the job safely. This includes double-checking against any present HVAC safety hazards, assessing that you have the right HVAC PPE for the job and working at a pace that keeps you focused and attentive to all the details of your work.

5. Remember Your HVAC Technician Training

Similar to taking your time, relying on your HVAC training is a big part of HVAC safety. As you become more experienced in your career, you may feel that you can abandon the HVAC safety procedures laid out in your training for a faster, more personalized approach. While experience plays a big part in HVAC safety, that is no reason to throw out the HVAC safety guidelines taught earlier in your career.

Remember, ongoing education and training is a huge component of this industry, so we highly recommend keeping the HVAC safety guidelines instilled in you over the years at the top of your mind to best practice HVAC safety on the job.

Make HVAC Safety A Routine: Conclusion

If you’re looking to improve HVAC safety procedures for your business, keeping these 5 HVAC safety tips in mind is a great start. Most importantly, understand that HVAC safety training should be routine practice, and your team should be conducting HVAC safety meetings regularly — and it’s never too late to start.
