Beyond having the right business plan and people in place, it takes dedication, organization and proper preparation to run a successful HVAC business. From keeping your team on track to keeping customers happy, there are several steps to learning how to run a HVAC business.

Now that you have started your own HVAC business, better understand how to run a successful HVAC business by taking a look at some of the top tips and tricks for how to grow HVAC businesses of all shapes and sizes:

Get Organized

Knowing the availability and location of your technicians throughout the day can help you assign nearby team members to last-minute emergency calls, keep customers informed on their appointments and create a more efficient workflow for your team.

Consider investing in GPS and other route optimization equipment, as well as online scheduling software, to keep your team on track. Learning how to run a successful HVAC business means managing your schedule in the most optimal way possible, so keep these tips in mind:

  • Use an editable calendar for quick scheduling and appointment assignments.
  • Keep your crew informed on scheduling changes.
  • Personalize your calendar with different tabs or colors to prioritize tasks.
  • Dispatch your team efficiently by planning out routes in advance.

Check Your Checklists

Using job checklists is one of the best steps you can take towards learning how to run a successful HVAC business. By implementing standardized checklists, you can make sure your team completes consistent, high-quality work every time and prevent callbacks for missed or subpar work.

Start by creating a standard inspection checklist for all types of HVAC jobs, like furnace repairs or ductwork, then customize it to fit different systems. Once the job is complete, attach these checklists to specific jobs so they stay in each customer’s job history. This not only helps keep your team informed on the work being completed, it also serves as your proof to the customer that you’ve performed the necessary job thoroughly.

Send Detailed Estimates

Learning how to run a HVAC company – and how to grow HVAC businesses – means saving time and other important resources to keep operations running smoothly and maximizing profitability. A detailed estimator template is a great tool towards seeing how to run a successful HVAC business in action.

Once you have a professional, easy-to-follow template for estimating costs for any job, you’re ready to send that information to the customer. Follow these steps to make that process as easy as possible:

  • Send follow-up emails as necessary to ensure the customer has seen and will agree to the estimate.
  • Keep estimate details on-hand when starting the job for transparency and accountability across all parties involved.
  • Collect signatures and payment information online for fast, convenient customer transactions.

An Informed Customer Is a Happy Customer

Beyond the initial estimate, keeping your customers updated at all stages of the job is an important part of how to run a HVAC company. Here’s a sample schedule for customer communication:

  • A few days before the job, send an appointment reminder email to prepare them for your service visit with any instructions they need in order to get ready.
  • On the day of the appointment, be sure to let the customer know when the technician is on their way and an estimated arrival time.
  • Follow up after the work has been completed to ensure customer satisfaction (consider including a satisfaction survey, as well).

Keeping customers engaged and informed is an easy way to help facilitate a smooth job and can encourage repeat business in the future.

Have The Right Marketing Strategy

Learning how to run a successful HVAC business means having the right strategies in place to reach the right audience. For planning how to grow HVAC businesses, consider the following HVAC marketing tips:

  • Identify your target audience with specific demographics.
  • Go beyond word of mouth and referrals – diversify your marketing plan with a variety of tactics online and off.
  • Save on cost per lead by being targeted in your email and other campaigns.
  • Start a blog to show off your company’s expertise online – browse some popular HVAC blogs for inspiration
  • Keep an eye on SEO and other digital best practices to ensure your business can be found online by your ideal customer.

A steady flow of new customers (and leads on those customers) is a crucial aspect in discovering how to run a HVAC company that’s equipped for sustainable growth for years to come.

So, if you’ve been wondering how to run a successful HVAC business, keep these steps in mind and, more importantly, don’t stop there. Stay curious, keep engaged with the movers and shakers in the industry and continue discovering new opportunities in how to grow HVAC businesses today and in the future.
